
Showing posts from October, 2017


This my poster. I based it off of things that I was told growing up. People often told me that I should be something else other than an artist to defy what people think about black people, like to be a doctor or a nurse. I was often told I had to work twice as hard even if I am good enough, and art isn't something I should go for. However, as a digital artist, I want to destroy stereotypes. This is why I decided to include my hands holding a paint brush (cause if I was holding a tablet I don't think that would work with the black and white). My skin does not define who I am, or what I stand for. The only way for someone to define who I am, is to know who I am.  This is the Experiments! Although there was a limited use of three colors, I decided to play with the color, especially skin colors.

Gradient Mesh


Logos final


Five things

Five things that describe me are                                                                           Artist                                                                       witty Hardworking/ambitious weird Nerdy

Calligram Project

This is my Calligram project. estimated time 8 hours. Originally it was based off a drawing that I had made. Originally I wanted it to have her immersed in water with water falling backwards onto her, but it quickly changed to a game of reflection underwater due to the difficulties of making it look like water. These are the original sketches in order.

Illustrator Caligrams

These are the Caligrams that caught my eye.