FMX Animation; Introduction
Hi, My name is Taylor Guyton, 2d animation is my favorite. I grew up in Japan when I was younger for a total of five years. I got my inspiration from Japanese animation. Being in Japan created a whole new world for someone like me who have lived in the States most of my lives. My art began in South Carolina, where I was interested in a show called Sponge-bob, and from there my life got interesting. When we moved to Japan, at 9 years of age, I created my first animation. When I moved away from Japan, I was devastated. The culture was rich, the people were kind, it was a dream world. So after a year or two being in Japan, I decided that it was time that I make a decision. I wanted to become an animation. When I made this decision, many people tried to turn me away from the entire idea, but I just couldn't. I've been drawing for so long, I almost forget that there are other options. I want to learn a lot from this class, mainly new programs to work with. Ive worked with pain...