Art211 Electronics

Taylor Guyton

Art 211

Blanka Roundtree

28 February 2018


            Art and technology has come a long way. One technical object that has come a long way is the drawing tablet. Drawing tablets are used by artist all around the world. It helps artist draw digitally on the computer which is entirely different from drawing on paper. Digital arts have prospered throughout the years as they continuously make more tablets more accessible and easier to use. Most of the artist who do use the tablets are illustrators and digital animators.

For a long time, animation was hand drawn. Then Wacom decided to come out with the Wacom bamboo tablet, however, before there was Wacom, there was apple. In 1979, apple created a tablet for graphics (Smith).  Apple actual did not create the tablet itself, they worked with someone who did make it. The company was called Summagraphics (Smith). Apparently, it was not well designed so it did not sell right.  

In 1984 Wacom released its first drawing tablet. They had been founded in japan in 1983 (smith). It was called the WT-460M. Tablets were not exactly made popular until later in the 21st century. In 1888 the first electronic handwriting tablet, 1957; first graphics tablet, 1964 the Rand tablet, 1991 penpoint tablet, 1993; portable tablet, and in 1998 the tablet was able to offer its first touch screen (Sympdpimp). Later on, apple started creating the iPad, and the Wacom tablets began experimenting with all kinds of ways to make it interactive and easy for Wacom users. Till this day, Wacom continues to upgrade their tablets.

In 2001 bill gates debuted a Compaq computer, in 2005 you could manually plug the tablet into laptops or any other computer-like device. It sold for around $2,000. In 2010 apple comes out with the iPad (Sympdpimp).

In todays time, the Wacom’s Cintiq line is one of the most popular and most expensive. They allow the tablet to have a wide screen like a computer, but still connects to the computer. With the older models, you must draw at the same time as look at the computer to see what you are drawing, like typing while looking at the screen.

Perhaps in the future, people will have see-through tablets that offer something as crazy as air-drawing. The tablets have become more like computers, and computers are becoming more like tablets, eventually the two will become one and everyone will be able to afford one whilst they create other upgrades to the system. However, how long can one keep making a technological object for one thing? Soon or later, they will run out of ideas and end up combing everything.

Works Cited

Smith, Ernie “Wacom Graphics Tablet History: Touch Computing's Early Icon.” Google,

Sympdpimp “History of the drawing tablet.” LinkedIn SlideShare, 11 June


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